AARC Entitlement Library

This package provides python classes to create, parse and compare entitlements according to the AARC recommendations G002 and G069.


Install using pip:

pip install aarc-entitlement


The documentation is available at https://aarcentitlement.readthedocs.io.

The G002 recommendation can be found at https://aarc-community.org/guidelines/aarc-g002.


Check if a user entitlement permits usage of a service

import aarc_entitlement

# This entitlement is needed to use a service
required = aarc_entitlement.G002("urn:geant:h-df.de:group:aai-admin")

# This entitlement is held by a user who wants to use the service
actual =   aarc_entitlement.G002("urn:geant:h-df.de:group:aai-admin:role=member")

# Is the user permitted to use the service, because of its entitlement `actual`?
permitted = actual.satisfies(required)
# -> True here

# Are the two entitlements the same?
equals = required == actual
# -> False here

G069 Entitlement Normalization

Starting with recommendation G069 the specification requires normalization of entitlements. When using AarcEntitlementG069 the library produces normalized representations.

import aarc_entitlement

not_normalized = "UrN:NiD:ExAmPlE.oRg:group:Minun%20Ryhm%c3%a4ni"

normalized = repr(aarc_entitlement.G069(not_normalized))
# -> "urn:nid:example.org:group:Minun%20Ryhm%C3%A4ni"

Tests, Linting and Documentation

Run tests for all supported python versions:

# run tests, coverage and linter

# build docs
tox -e docs

# After this, the documentation should be located at `doc/build/index.html`.


To upload a new package version to pypi use the Makefile:

# build the package
make dist

# upload the package to pypi
make upload

Funding Notice

The AARC project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653965 and 730941.


Check entitlements according to the AARC recommendations G002 and G069.

The documentation is available at https://aarcentitlement.readthedocs.io.

The G002 is available at https://aarc-community.org/guidelines/aarc-g002.

This code is distributed under the MIT License.

exception Error

Bases: Exception

A generic error for this module

exception ParseError

Bases: aarc_entitlement.Error

Error during parsing an entitlement

KEYS_ALL = ['namespace_id', 'delegated_namespace', 'subnamespaces', 'group', 'subgroups', 'role', 'group_authority']

All possible keys of entitlement parts

KEYS_OPTIONAL = ['subnamespaces', 'role', 'subgroups', 'group_authority']

parts with these keys are optional

KEYS_TUPLES = ['subnamespaces', 'subgroups']

parts with these keys must be tuples or lists

class Base(entitlement, parse_opts=None)

Bases: object

Base is the parent class of the actual entitlements. Use G069 or G002 directly.

Instances can be tested for equality and less-than-or-equality. satisfies() can be used to check if a user with an entitlement user_has is permitted to use a resource which requires a certain entitlement service_wants using: user_has.satisfies(resource_wants)


entitlement (Union[str,dict]) – Usually a raw string representation of the entitlement. Alternatively a dict with the needed parts may be provided.

  • ParseError – If the raw entitlement is not following the respective AARC recommendation and cannnot be parsed.

  • Error – If the attributes extracted from the entitlement could not be assigned to this instance.


Check if self satisfies the demands of required. self satisfies the requirement if it is equal to or more permissive than required.


required – An entitlement which is required e.g. for using a service.


True, if the requirement is satisfied. Otherwise, False is returned.


self is contained in other if other is equal or more permissive than `self

property parts: dict
Return type



A copy of the parts of the entitlement. This cannot be used to modify the entitlement. Use set_part() instead.

Return type

Union[tuple, str, None]


Entitlement part indicated by key

set_part(key, value)

set_part can be used to modify this entitlement. Values will be properly normalized.

  • key (str) – Key of the entitlement part. Valid values can be found in aarc_entitlement.ALL_KEYS

  • value (Union[tuple, list, str, None]) – The value to be set. If None and the part indicated by key is optional, then the part is deleted.

class G002(entitlement, strict=False)

Bases: aarc_entitlement.Base

Create, parse and compare AARC Entitlements G002

Reference specification: https://aarc-community.org/guidelines/aarc-g002

The entitlement is always ‘%xx’ decoded before parsing.

In addition to the parameters from :class:`` the strict parametr is available:


strict (bool,optional) – If set to true, only entitlements with a group_authority part are valid. If raw does not contain a group_authority part, a ParseError will be raised.

class G069(entitlement)

Bases: aarc_entitlement.Base

In contrast to G002 this entitlement spec allows ‘%xx’ encoded parts. Hence, a string entitlement is not ‘%xx’ decoded.

G069 uses the same parameters as Base.